How to Claim Your Reimbursement!




  1. SSA letter: Watch for this notification from Social Security for you and/or your spouse/partner that is mailed each  fall.

  3. Note the monthly “standard Medicare premium” which is listed under the paragraph “How Much You Will Get.”

  5. IF there is an monthly amount change for the “Medicare Part B IRMAA” based on the last year’s income tax return, you MUST CLAIM THIS ADDITIONAL REIMBURSEMENT AMOUNT or you may lose it.

  7. Make a photocopy of that page.

  9. Mail that copy to:


201 Merchant Street, Suite 1700

Honolulu, HI 96813


    6. Relax and enjoy your refund.


Go directly to the EUTF site for more information:

EUTF Site  



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